Our culinary stylist Eva Neuville has just created a delicious pine honey infusion. A subtle and soothing creation, perfect for savouring a moment of sweetness. To discover more of her inspirations, follow her on Instagram: @heureuse.assiette.

Ingredients for one cup
  • 1 tablespoon of pine honey

  • Lemon slices

  • A few lemon balm leaves

  • A few sprigs of rosemary

  • In a saucepan, I bring water to a boil.

  • I add the lemon slices, lemon balm leaves, and rosemary sprigs to the hot water.

  • I let it steep for a few minutes to release all the flavors.

  • I remove it from the heat and add a tablespoon of pine honey. I stir gently.

  • I strain the infusion into a cup and enjoy this moment of pure relaxation!