Blend all powders together and strain them. Incorporate white cheese and liquid cream with a spatula. Add honey. Mold the mixture until you have a thick and smooth consistency. Bake waffles in a hot tin.
Blend egg yolk and honey. Add flour and sieved cornflour. Pour sparkling water and smooth dough with a whisk. Dip acacia flowers in dough and fry them at 160 degrees C. Dry and sparkle with icing sugar.
Blend strawberries with sugar and lemon juice. Filter ¼ coulis and let it cool in the fridge. In a frying pan, cook the coulis remainder without straining it until you have a thick dough. Set aside in the fridge.
Wash and prepare strawberries. Cut them in fine slices and draw a carpaccio in the middle of the plate. Spread pastry with a spatula on a side and then put some strawberry coulis on the other side. Drop off tempuras and cool acacia flowers. Serve waffles aside.